Energy Production
Our energy production facility plays a critical role in paper manufacturing, particularly for the drying process, which requires significant steam, and for the overall system operation, which requires electricity.

In 2016, we launched the "Paper Production Facility and Power Plant Project," which includes a paper production facility with a capacity of 200,000 tons per year and an energy plant with a 140 MWt capacity to meet the energy needs of the facility. The power plant is designed to produce up to 40 MWe of electricity when no steam is extracted for the production process and 25 MWe when steam is used.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process and Approval
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the project was conducted in accordance with the regulations outlined in the EIA Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated November 25, 2014, and numbered 29186. Following the evaluation by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization's General Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment, Permit, and Inspection, a "Positive EIA Decision" was issued on September 2, 2016 (Reference No. E.14263), and the facility became operational in 2019.
Power Plant Operations
Our power plant provides the electricity and steam required for the paper production facility. To increase the use of local resources, a mixture of imported and domestic coal is used in the power plant.
Environmental Protection Measures
The waste materials generated in our cogeneration facility are captured using bag filters to prevent environmental harm, and these materials are safely removed from the system. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) gases produced during combustion are reduced to levels below the limits specified by the Industrial Air Pollution Control Regulation. This is achieved by adding lime to the combustion chamber and using a dry Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system.
Environmental Protection Measures
In the energy production facility, emissions are strictly monitored to ensure they comply with the standards specified in environmental regulations.
Substance Limit Value (mg/Nm³)
Thanks to these environmental protection measures, our energy production activities are carried out in an environmentally friendly manner.